30-Minute Stuffed Pepper Soup


When I was a kid, my dad made dinner very rarely and when he did there were three options — mac and cheese, sausage on the grill, or stuffed peppers. Stuffed peppers came along infrequently enough that they felt like a novelty to me and so I loved them and look back on them fondly as a favorite childhood food. (Though I recognize that stuffed peppers are not really a classic “childhood food” for most!) But to me, they mean comfort. And soup also means comfort. And that’s precisely why the two had to meet in this Stuffed Pepper Soup.

If you have leftover white rice, this is a great place to use it. You’ll need two cups. You’ll also need a pound of ground beef, a couple of bell peppers, an onion, some garlic, beef broth, and tomato sauce and diced tomatoes. Not a terribly long ingredient list and full of some nice, nourishing stuff.