Creamy Garlic Chicken Prawns & Scallops



600g diced goat meat
60g butter, 2 Tbs curry powder,1 Tsp turmeric powder,2 sticks celery(diced)
1 large onion(diced) ,2 small carrots(diced)1 med. tomato diced,1/2 cup froz. peas
2 cups water ,2 chicken stock cubes,1/2 cup milk
1 Tsp sugar 1 Tbs lemon juice ,Salt/Pepper to taste


Add goat meat, butter, curry powder ,turmeric powder ,celery, onion, carrot into cooker & sear till goat is browned & aromatic(about 10 mins)
Turn cooker to low & add peas, tomato + water & dissolved chicken stock cubes~Cook on low for 5 hours in total
With 45 mins to go now add milk, replace lid & continue cooking
At ½ hour to go add lemon juice & sugar(I then left lid off) then about 10 mins before serving thicken with a paste mix of corn flour /milk.
Beautiful curry sauce that goes well with prawns, fish ,chicken even sausages & obviously goat